Home, lately
Today I realised that I only have two weeks left to the art in the garden show! Yikes!So Chloe and I decided that the patio has dried out as much as it's going to and are taking advantage of these next few sunny days to give it a new coat of paint. We have each divided the work equally and during our breaks keep surfing the net for patio furniture as we still haven't got them. Frankly speaking, I wish I had left this work to professionals, as it turned out to be quite difficult and time consuming. Next time we will surely hire a local contractor that offers painting for home interiors in Harrisburg, PA.Quite possibly it wasn't the wisest of things to do to pressure wash the old wood just before an open to the public garden show, and Robbie and I had a hell of a time replacing rotten timbers, but the patio is as good as it's going to be this year, and so, even though it will need replacing next year or the year after, it's looking good with a generous coat of Sherwin Williams thick and gloopy patio paint. But we checked out this website and realized we had never washed our deck properly, so we decided to try. We were advised to schedule a deck cleaning in Gettysburg to get a high-grade and prompt service.
I took a walk in the garden in the late afternoon sun to bring you the scoop.The patio pots have all been planted with petunias, geraniums and snapdragons in pinks, purples and creamy yellows and are just waiting for the patio furniture to get back into place so they can live out their lives in the dappled sun of the maple trees.It's a good thing too because a load of weeds have come up on the back patio that I need to weed out of there.
I love purples and bronzes with creamy yellows, don't you? It seems that purple is a bit of a theme round here this year.
Speaking of purple to the max, these are the "saved from the construction site" irises that I had no idea what colour they were going to be when I saved them last year.
Aren't they the most heavenly shade? I'm so happy I saved them.
Mostly my seedlings are doing really well in the veg garden. The tomatoes were checked a little after last week's hail storm, but I think they'll recover. The peas, sweet peas, garlic, cabbages, cauliflower and beans are just fine.
The little begonias, on a shelf on the North side of the house, are growing and blooming their hears out. I'm hoping for a really spectacular display in the next two weeks.
The clematis Montana, which is growing up the ancient apple tree, is in full bloom. It's so spectacular right now that I can't get enough of it. Yesterday I saved some plants from the construction site which used to be my neighbours to the West and I looked up at the ancient apple tree and the clematis Montana and thought, "holy smokes, my neighbours have the best view!" :D
So here is Morgan reminding me that I still have two bags of potting soil to allocate to pots and then I can rest. She's always so helpful...lol.
The good side of today is that the garden part of the art in the garden show is coming along wonderfully. The not so good side is the art part is a little on the slow side, but I'm getting there. A new painting was started yesterday plus three new canvases primed.More from my beautiful saved garden and my art in the days to come; sorry to be so pedantic in my posts but it's occupying most of my time right now. I did contemplate getting up into the studio for the rest of the evening, but I'm feeling pretty tired and so I think I'll watch a finale and have a rest. Don't you hate that all the best shows are ending? (OK, truth be told I only actually watch 4 or 5 shows... Person of Interest, The Blacklist, NCIS, Elementary and Agents of Shield.) But what am I going to watch after this week? Hope they bring back Warehouse 13 or Defiance for an other season. Hey, did anyone watch Resurrection and Bitten? What a load of enjoyable silliness. What do we think? :D Anyone have any recommendations? I hear 24 is really good. I watch the first season but couldn't stand the daughter. Before I watch it again I sure hope she gets disappeared. (Oops...did that come out loud?) Big hugs to everyone from the land of the tired. I think Agents of Shield is winning out in my mind ...silliness without the testosterone stress factor.Ciao Ciao for now. XEDIT: What? Warehouse 13 final series is already started? Nobody tells me anything!!! :D