I know this is naughty...but I couldn't help myself
So there are perks which come along with the professional photographer tittle......and have a lot to do with owning a pro camera and staying on the 19th floor of a downtown hotel. (OK, so, these photos may have been taken from the 28th floor, but that's not really the point of this naughty story)
The point is that at night time, these sorts of visions and resulting photos are so irresistible for me...
...it's like a moth to a flame.
So at night I practice my low-light photography,
And in the day time, over my breakfast...
I look at some more.Now I do understand that this is pretty naughty of me, but I figure that people who live in those apartments do know that there's a hotel directly across the street, so I figure they know that having open curtains invites inquisitive looks.(besides, I may have wanted a photo of that 20ft lit-up deer and the apartments just got in the way...ehrm.)So I was just casually looking around...thru my camera...as you do, and came across a beautiful piece of red sculpture, which naturally needed closer inspection.
Oh my gosh guys, I found Frasier's apartment!Look at how gorgeous this is? How impossibly stylish! With a wall of paintings, sculptures, those beautiful glass walls with view, a Christmas tree just waiting on the balcony, AND a harp! (sigh)
OK, I'll stop being naughty and put the camera away. :D