It does NOT look like CSI Vancouver round
Every day that I wake up and there's sun coming thru the bedroom windows is a day that I steal a little bit more summer.Today was one of those days. I decided that cleaning up the garden was much better in the sun rather than in the forecasted rain for tomorrow and so I took out the spent tomatoes and beans and dug over the soil.There are still a few brave tomatoes hanging on to the last of the summer, and they are the yellow cherry and the Italian plums. They seem to be more resistant to the blight than the other, bigger varieties.So I cleaned up the garden and then I had room to sow some cool weather crops like radishes, lettuce, spinach and Swiss chard. I love Swiss chard.The only problem is that my love of Swiss chard is equal to my cat's love of a freshly dug veggie garden toilet. Especially if it's smoothed nicely with the rake. (the better to dig in) And I only have one cat proof cold frame.So I went to the local hardware store and bought some poly tunnels.On reflection, it might look like a crime scene in my ornamental veggie garden. Oh the things I do for four rows of spinach and lettuce and radishes and Swiss chard. :)
OK it looks dreadful! I admit it. But there are very few stylish poly tunnel veggie garden options. Hey, an opportunity presents itself: Someone send an email to Valentino! Oh, and mention to old Val that we really need him to be competitive, so under $21 please. :)
Maybe if we look at the tunnels thru the vintage pea gate. That might be better. :(
Morgan has expropriated the cardboard backing from the package. She sharpened her claws on it and then looked at me with her "you can try to hide your little seeds, but I'll get them pretty" look.
SighIn my next life I'll have an acreage with beautiful stylish greenhouses.