It’s all a matter of perspective
I’ve got lots of crazy ideas. :)One of those ideas is that there are only so many good ideas in this world and everything else is a variation on those ideas. You might say that there are basic building blocks and lots of people with different colours painting those blocks and arranging them in their own unique way.
I love, LOVE what I do with the same camera, the same paper, the same pencils that everyone else has and I love, LOVE to see what everyone else does with their camera and paper and pencils.
This IS how we do it. Unique perspective. That’s what I love.And, if we could ask Milo, he’d show us his unique perspective on the wet shower floor.
I'd love to see your unique perspective on something. If you like, please leave me a link in the comments and, like always, I will def. try to visit everyone linked up to the WP Challenge. :)Oh, giveaway ends soon, draw is Monday morning. Still time. :)Thought about and photographed for The Wordpress Weekly Photo Challenge.