About the January drive for fresh, new, spring, clean
You know what I do when I need to clean up?I buy flowers!And what's better than one hyacinth? Two! :DAt the moment they are gracing both sides of the kitchen sink, but they might want to move to follow me around the house.So I swept the floors and got to the dining room floor and suddenly the cat hair and dust stuck to the hardwood. I thought, "what the heck?" I thought it's my miracle orchid. It tends to drop sap drops from its blooming spikes. So I washed the wood underneath it and kept going.Imagine my surprise and then imagine my horror when I discovered sap under my saved palm! "Oh, oh", I thought, and had a good look and my worst suspicions were confirmed. The dreaded scale!
Oh boy! I've thrown plants out for less. But this palm is already four feet tall and luxurious and I actually love it. But scale is so hard to control...and there was a huge infection! Right here is the reason I don't really do house plants! So what to do? Save or compost?Oh alright then...Save!I got a large (2' x 3') plastic tub and filled it with warm, soapy water, stuffed newsprint into the pot to stop the soil from falling out, and tipped it sideways into the soapy suds and grabbed an old toothbrush and scrubbed the living daylights out of each and every piece of that palm for over an hour!After the palm, I really wanted to put away the few Christmas decorations which got missed...
...but ended up playing with Morgan instead. She commandeered the box anyway.
Last night C took down my spotlight and vintage tripod to take some photos for her work.
She finished her photography and said, "Mom, I think your spotlight might have an electrical fault because it really smells like it's burning."Oh no! Not another thing wrong round here! :D
Then we investigated and guess what we found!!!A wasp nest? What? A little wasp nest was burning under that super strong light bulb.
Well, that makes sense. I haven't actually touched this spotlight since since last May or so. (Counting back, May and June were fine for light, summer I was in E, and since Sept there has been that other bit of nonsense happening...so that makes sense)I should really get back to work, but today is cold and rainy, and so we all feel like Morgan looking out into the drippy world. Well, maybe I'll put the rest of those decorations away since Morgan is out of the box. :D At least I will have accomplished something today.Boy, I really have to get back into my strong work ethic.