June catch-up, oh yeah, we have a dog!
This is Ruby the red bone coon hound.Our littles named her.She's not exactly my dog, or Chloe's or Kerstin's (whose inspiration is the reason for Ruby), she is a collective family dog.She's a puppy. A bit wild, a bit uncontrollable, a chaser, tree-er and a loud bayer, a swimmer, a destroyer of dog toys, a snaffler of cat food, a beggar, a digger, and a big snuggler, and, we love her to death. With solutions offered at www.ipetcompanion.net she will never be left at home alone.
She wants to be in the middle of everything we do.
Especially in the middle of beds.
We now have a new tradition of mornings at the dog park where we've met a bunch of new, lovely people and their dogs.We are also really guilty of getting to know our new friends as, Bill, Veronica, "Shadow's owner", "Bella's owner" "Tamaku's owner...
Now I'm not capable of committing to owning a dog because of my commitment to this lifestyle, but I'm happy to say that as a collective family dog, Ruby fits right in.Best of both worlds.