I keep having to ask what day it is
That cross Atlantic flight is a bit of a slog.Yesterday Vancouver was cold and I took my gloves off to take this photo of this red sky morning and my hands froze.Then the airport and security and duty free shopping and then on the plane and five or so movies: Man of Steel, wonderful to the max. Loved it. Now You See Me, wonderful even the second time around. The Lone Ranger, WWZ, The Heat...absolute pants! (British way of saying, "don't bother, it's so not worth it!") I spun thru one of those three movies WWZ just to see the ending. Totally different story from the book.Then we shortened the night. I love that. Taking off in the pitch black evening, watching the lights of Vancouver below me. Then darkness till we met the sunrise at about 1am.Flew over London with Big Ben and the Tower Bridge on my side, followed the Thames down into Heathrow.And then, there was Robbie waiting for me at arrivals with his huge grin on his face. :D
Travel's tough, but in the end of the day there's that huge reward.And then I slept for 14 hours.And now there's the two of us together again.And I don't have to make decisions on my own for a while.