A little catch up...cause I can't think of a better title
Well then, fall has well and truly landed on the West Coast.There are much fewer days of sunshine and this means that there is a greater need to get out into the garden for as much of it as possible.
The garden is still going strong with cool weather crops, but I do think that fate has been a bit cruel to my Brussels sprouts. They are full of aphids and have grown to tiny, one centimetre balls. Hmm, so much for organic sprouts. I did spray them with soapy water, but being away all summer hasn't helped. Oh well, win some lose some. (I'll spare you the gruesome photos)
Other parts of the garden are wonderful though. What do we think of the beautyberry, (Callicarpa)? I can't make up my mind if I like it or not. Three small bushes came with the house and garden. Is it me or do purple berries just seem to shout out "I AM POISON" as a rule? (Although I know they aren't.)
Sunflowers are so worth growing, aren't they?
Not only are they lovely, majestic reminders of the most beautiful of van Gogh and France, they make such wonderful fall playgrounds for all sorts of wildlife.This little chickadee keeps visiting and doesn't mind us or the cats at all. Chloe got really close to him...like directly underneath the sunflower... and kept snapping photos. He gave her a look, as if to say, "yeah? you and whose army?" and kept pecking out the seeds. I guess he owns the garden.
So now it's evening and C and I have planted fifty yellow tulips, twenty dwarf irises and gathered a bunch of kale leaves for kale chips to eat in front of the telly tonight.And, I just bought a 60" Sony...yes I did! To replace my father's old, hand-me-down, ancient plasma, which emits a high pitched squeal and burns a thousand kilowatts per hour, (marginal exaggeration), and some decent shows are on now, so I think we might stream something and cocoon.What's everybody watching these days? I'm liking this silly Manhattan Love Story and really liking Scorpion, as well as all the favourite returning shows. Gosh I feel spoiled for choice.One day away from the weekend! Cant come fast enough this week for me. :DBig hugs, and I hope your Friday just flies by and you're relaxing into the weekend in no time.