Lunch at the palace next door: Blenheim Palace and a video
Hello everybody,this morning FB gave me one of those memories from __ suggestions, and it was from Blenheim seven years ago.It's been more like 13 years of me being a pass holder, of me casually parking up, flashing my membership card and enjoying the palace and grounds.
There must be so many posts from Blenheim in my blog; whether it's a Blenheim palace post, a vintage car show post,
or just memories, Blenheim is a big part of our lives here.
Not only is the palace spectacular, but the park and grounds, designed by Lancelot Capability Brown, are so beautiful to walk in at any time of the year.
Over the years, and I suppose inevitably, photography has been permitted in the palace.
Also, areas of the palace have been made the books in the library. Too many small and dirty hands we were told. But the history remains there for all to see.
One of my most favourite pieces of the history jigsaw puzzle, is the story of Betty Ridge, a fisherman's daughter, who lived right here on the Thames in our village of Northmoor, and married William Flower, 2nd Viscount Ashbrook in 1766, whose granddaughter eventually became Duchess of Marlborough. From the banks of the Thames to Blenheim Palace in 80 years. What a love story! My village friend, historian Julie Godson, discovered the link and wrote a most charming book: available here.
Old traditions carry on in the 21C in the little Blenheim gift shop, with modern versions of Victorian traditions in everything from kitchen ware to clothing.
My most favourite though has got to be the below stairs collection of updated traditional palace kitchen items.I love to have a good mooch around. is a silly little video of us at Blenheim. I love it when I can take you with me, and these videos are so much fun for me to make. If you like it, would you consider giving it a thumbs-up?Thank you for coming with me. I don;t think I say it enough, but I treasure each and every time you stop by.