Merry Christmas everyone!
Good morning, good afternoon and evening too, where ever you are my dear hearts, new friends, friends I haven't met yet but know I'll love. Did you have/are you having a lovely Christmas day?We have had a wonderful peaceful day with much love, texts and emails from friends and cuddles from Theo.
Christmas here in England is all about the Christmas lunch and this means TURKEY, lots of it, just around 3pm, right after the Queen's speech, so the turkey went in by 11am.
Open wood and coal fire all day, open prezzies and happy moments.
Theo could smell the turkey and knew there was a piece there for him, but had terrific trouble waiting.
At last our Christmas lunch was ready.
And Theo got up on his window ledge to wait for his share.
When it was his turn, after we ate, (remember, ex pub cat with little discipline if he's allowed), he gobbled up the turkey so fast I couldn't get a clear photo of him. I guess it met with his (Don't worry he got a huge bowl of turkey in the kitchen.)
With our candles lit and a cheery fire, we watched the Doctor Who Christmas special. I'm afraid we sort of lost the plot. We ended up scratching our heads and asking each other where the heck was the story...and what was the story anyway? Anyone get it? Please let me know.
It's evening now in England and I'm thinking of what has now passed, what is to come, where we're headed. Robert is rubbing Theo's soft ears and Theo is out like a light beside him. What a beautiful night this is...this Christmas night. The fire is cracking and the candles are burning down. There's a soft, warm glow in my heart.