Mexico, got out of town
Let me tell you something :DThis is going to belong to my "Well, if you can believe this!" file.Remember last June I stepped sideways and wrenched my right ankle? Well, Wednesday evening I stepped sideways again...this time off a chair holding a suitcase, and wrenched my left ankle. Off to emerg for an X-ray and luckily it's just a bad sprain with a probable torn tendon. (That's what I get for having figure skater's ankles.)That's it. I had enough. We flew off, wrenched ankle and all, and landed in Mexico for the week.Goodbye Raincoover and hello blue sky.
This time, we chose to stay in the same little out of the way resort in Puerto Vallarta where we stayed 11 years ago just for the romance of it.
I'm happy to report that we have the same warm weather, cool ocean and beach sellers as expected,
the same palm trees, pelicans and frigate birds,
and the beautiful, tropical blooms I love to sketch all around us.
I'm glad we're here and we have this chance to relax.
And today, all afternoon, this beautiful bird was swooping over the pool deck, expertly manoeuvring his huge wingspan between the palm trees.I looked him up and he's a turkey vulture.Think I might sketch him tomorrow.
But for today, we'll just stay in the warmth and the sun and relax under the palm trees.