More leaves!
Tell me what you think guys, it's been ten days. Are you getting fed up with daily posts yet?I'm finding it pretty simple, and I guess Ms Unlimited Imagination over here with the camera attached to hip comes so naturally, that this nano poblano thing isn't too bad.Last night we had the first frost of the year. This one touched the ground as well as the roof tops, and certainly affected some of the tender annuals.
There's so much garden clean up round here between the rains. See that one brown cedar? It died over the summer drought and I'll have to take it out, but more than that, see that glorious bronze beech of my neighbour's? It sheds mountains of leaves all over my garden.
So maple all over the patio and shade garden, cherry in front garden, apple at the lane end, beech and laburnum on the east side. But it's all fine. I love the leaves because they make terrific leaf mould and help to enrich the garden.
I have three compost bins in the east garden and I keep them sort of rotating. This year, when I went to take the compost out of the one destined for the garden, guess what I found! The laburnum has helped itself to my beautiful compost.So I took away the plastic composter sides and removed most of the compost and put the root balls into the green recycling can. And, in that compost, sticking out of the top, guess what else I found!
See that tall plant? Yup, an avocado tree has sprouted from a composted pip.Oh well, grow if you want to little avocado tree.And when I finished all the raking and composting and distribution of soil and repotting, and just as the rain started again, I picked up some maple leaves and took them upstairs to my studio, where I stamped them with my new stamps...
...because we must do things for no other reason except that they delight. :D