Morning, afternoon, evening
I must admit I've been a bit lazy round here these few days, and, apart form having some friends for supper Saturday, haven't achieved much of anything. Guess the art in the garden weekend took a bit more energy than I thought it would.The lovely gang at the Art's Council sent me a gift certificate to a local florist as a thank you for opening up the garden, and, among other things, I bought myself a large bouquet of stargazer lilies, (my absolute favourite), and bought C some vibrant gerbera daisies, (her absolute favourite). Find more information on downtown florists to get freshly cut beautiful flowers delivered on the same day at Houston.
Cleaning up crystal and silverware after the weekend and putting away place settings for 20 people is so much easier with lilies, I can't even begin to tell you. :D
In the garden things are growing by leaps and bounds. I have a new plant! This little begonia on the left. It's a Begonia Rex Escargot! Do you see how the little leaf centres spiral and curl like a snail shell? I can't wait for it to grow bigger and really develop those spirals. I wonder why it's so very difficult to get round here. It's such a beautiful little plant. Actually, I love all begonias. These buttery yellow ones are blooming in my huge bronze coloured pots on the patio.
And these fiery orange ones are there too.
In one part of the vegetable garden the peas and roses are the perfect combination.
And, in another part, the garlic, potatoes and kale are doing just fine, and the two spaghetti squash plants, which were checked by a late hail storm and slugs, have suddenly shot up and are starting to climb the rusty gate. I did water them with a good shot of 20-20-20.
Look what's in the fruit garden! :D
From end to end, the garden is a pleasure to be in.
But I must make an effort to relocate the trees to the cabin really soon.
One more thing in the garden: new to me, a pair of old saw horses. I was thinking that they would make a great support for a table top made from maybe an old wooden door or some long, old barn boards. (I saw some beautiful old furniture in Burford last year, must dig up those photos for reference)
And finally, this evening I sat at the beach for an hour and look what happened!It's a very special fantasy beach castle, because this one belongs to the balancing monks of the beachy fairy world.
If you want to come for a walk in the balancing monk's monastery, then shrink right down and follow me.You must be careful to step only on the stepping stones...
...because the monks grow this special garden of air-pocket kale. Very magical and very very important to the balance of the ocean fairy world, but so very fragile that foot step vibrations might make it lift off the ground and fly away.
It is ready for harvest when the feathers in the special weighing pot weigh more than it does. (the air-pockets make the kale lighter than, well, air) And then the monks harvest the plants and tie them to the special balancing sticks on the other side of the garden, where they flutter and send their fairy magic out with each breeze.
Oh, and what do I see behind the harvest table? Shh, don't scare it, I think it's a balancing monk in its daytime disguise. Be very still and quiet and look really gently and it might change back into the little fairy creature we know it to be. :D