Ode to the M 21 Blackbird at the Seattle Museum of Flight

This is a love poem, an ode to the most beautiful type of plane in the world.Ode to the M 21 Blackbird at the Seattle Museum of Flight.aerodynamic air compressortri-sonic speed photographerradar absorbing missile runnerblack skinned sensor eluderbig boy’s toyBlackbirdyou are a design constructed on a slide rulestealth measured over your surface inch by inchtransatlantic record holder30 mile per minute travelerterritory penetratorpeaceful mission flyergeography readerrevelatoryour alacrity meant no harmyou flew unarmed, unseentitanium alloy contortertwin Wildcat beatertriethylborane burnergelatinous fuel leakerbody expanderair breatheryour heart becomes blue hot, red hot, white hot, transparentyour thrust can drive an ocean linerpresidential prestige giverpower pursuervictory enablercelestial stalkerstatus symbolweaponyou flew ahead of a blue flame for 32 yearsyou exploded sound and vanisheddynamic pressure quantifiersplit second decision makertemperamental disintegratorpilot error, pilot killerpit viperHabuyou did not fracture, crash and burnyou departed controlled flightnostalgic warriormuseum treasuresilenced thunderadmired retireeheart amputeeartefactyour intimacy opened, exposed, acceptingyour gold-plated veins on display, caresseddream the American boysof gold suits glowinghold their breath and dim the lightsnavigate by the milky waychase the shooting starsand soar with youinto the blueinto the mach


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