Oh busy, busy. Catch up long past due.
Hello everybody.Oh my gosh time flies!This weekend is the annual Art in the Garden tour and my art and my garden are on the tour again.And this year, our spring is so cold and wet, that I'm afraid not many flowers will be in bloom!
But the cold wetness has made for a lush and green garden, so that's good, and I've been planting up the pots with some colourful annuals.
Also, in the middle of the garden and painting craziness, Kerstie and Adam came down to town for the long weekend.I'm so happy they did because it will be my last time seeing our little ones until September.
We had the best time playing all weekend, and Kers and Adam gave me a hand completing some garden projects and for that I'm grateful.
Kerstie helped me build this fantastic bench for my Art int he Garden show. Last summer I bought two old school chairs thinking that the bases would be great for a bench, and Kerstie helped me made my vision a reality. We all really love it.
On Sunday, everyone went their separate ways, and I drove up to the cabin for the day.
I drove up to take the linens back, (so they wouldn't be here all summer), but also to check on the place, check in with my neighbours up there, and just basically make sure everything is OK for the summer.
Everything seemed to be just fine.The snow pack on the mountains is still great so it looks like there will be loads of water this summer. Good because the pond which thinks it's a lake will stay full and lush.
I walked out on to the meadow and found a surprise. An apple tree!No idea how it got there, but isn't it exciting?
So by about 5pm, I locked the cabin and headed back down to the city.
Oh, I also cut an armful of wild lilacs and brought them with me.Lilacs grow really well in that semi-arid region. Must remember to transplant some to the pond.Do you like lilacs? I love them.
Then we had one more day together and Kers and Adam had to drive back home and I must hit the garden and the art for one final push before the weekend show.Are you local? Come visit some private gardens and come visit me! :D