One more from RBG Kew: Glasshouses, plus that lotus keeps showing up
If I lived anywhere near Kew, you'd know just where to find me; right in a glasshouse. Every chance I got.This is the famous Palm House constructed in 1844. Beyond it you can see the Waterlily House 1852.This year the Palm House is fuller and richer than years past because the second giant glasshouse, the Temperate House, is closed for rebuilding and refurbishing for a few years, and, while there's a temporary glasshouse for the Temperate House plants, some have been relocated into the Palm House.
I just caught the watering time of the day. Actually, it's more like the misting time. Isn't it fantastic? Loved the humid, green, fragrant air.
So many weird and wonderful blooms.
Then on to the waterlily house. There's something about this glasshouse that brings about some sort of reverence.
It might be the black water, or the reflected light, or it might be the glorious blossoms, but there were at least a dozen people in the glasshouse with me and no one made a sound.
And just there, there it was, sighing among the grasses. The lotus! A pink one. How beautiful. I have a thing for lotus these days.
You know, I dream of a glasshouse of my own. I dream of a magnificent pavilion as my studio, or a glasshouse to house fifteen massive palm trees, (although in truth I'd settle for a simple little garden variety greenhouse and my own studios are the most wonderful spaces in the world to me, and I feel so lucky to have them. :D ).
But still had to show you one of my most favourite galleries in the world. This is the Marianne North Gallery. Marianne North was a Victorian botanist and artist and world traveller, and here, practically from floor to ceiling, is a collection of her paintings from all over the world.Isn't this the most magnificent space?I used to take loads and loads of photos here, but last year someone put up a no photographs sign."Bah", we say, and even, "stuff that for a game of soldiers."
And sometimes breaking rules is vital, because, here is Marianne's lotus, and we must have a photograph of that!
My week has been incredibly busy and I can't wait to tell you all about visiting Bath, (Wednesday) and Art in Action, (today and tomorrow), taking over the charity book stall on Saturday's village market, and visiting friends on Sunday, and, I'm also looking forward to the days calming a little next week. Big hugs from busy me over here in West Cottage to all of you. Hoping you're having lovely, stress free and creative days.Tell me about your days, leave me links so I can catch up with everyone. :D