Owls, owls, owls
There are such wonderful organisations all over the UK which are dedicated to the preservation and the showing of wildlife; whether butterflies, birds, mammals, or wildflowers.These organisations routinely pop up around shopping centres, markets, fairs and any public show.Last Saturday, I came across some lovely ladies with their little flock of tame owls at the steam rally.I can't even begin to tell you how valuable that is for me as an artist. To actually see an owl up close. To be able to take reference photos of the wings, talons, eyes...it's probably what every wildlife artist dreams of.Now I must have drawn, painted, sketched, and generally mucked up over 100 owl paintings in the last few years, but there's always more to learn.
Look at the feather structure in her face and around her beak.That's something which can't be realised thru Google.
And those eyes!
And this Scottish owl. The size comparison to the girl's hand in my photo makes it possible for me to paint it life-sized.
This week, my reference photos have made it so much easier for me to paint a life-sized barn owl.
I love this one.Watercolours, inks, chalks on a page from that 100 yr old Mendelssohn book I'm working my way thru.
The Scottish owl is next!