A prelude to Valentine's (aka how to make more work for yourself)
The other day Chloe suggested that we make some heart shaped bunting to help celebrate Valentine's Day."It would look lovely with the big red rose wreath beside the front door", she said.But why is it that I always forget when C says "we" she means "me"?!?Yesterday at our local treasure trove thrift store, I spied a bit of lovely bit of vintage curtain for $1 and made the huge mistake of saying, "Look Clover, this would be great material for "your" bunting!" And so guess what...yup, I bought it.I spread the fabric out on the table and cut out a nice, large paper heart and folded it in half, and then proceded to trace and cut out 20 hearts.
Ironed and right sides together, I got my little sewing machine from the craft room in my studio...
And sewed the little hearts up.Now I'm not a very good seamstress, but this basic sewing is really quite easy. Each time I do a bit of sewing I wonder why I don't do more of it, it's quite fun.
Pretty soon I had ten little hearts.OK, just in case you thought C got away with the royal "we", she was really great at turning the hearts right side out and making us some tea.
Then we were a bit stuck as to how to nicely tie them up as bunting, and got the idea that maybe they would look nice stuffed with a bit of stuffing, so I stuffed them all and hand stitched the opening closed.
Then this morning I got the idea of sewing on some vintage buttons and got a couple done before I had to run out and C finished sewing the rest of the buttons on.
So how about that! Ten fat little hearts and a length of velvet ribbon. Nine hearts fit the ribbon and the left-over one I tied around the living room door handle.
Then I sent C up on the railing and she tied our happy bunting to the Christmas light supports. (No, it's not summer here yet...lol, she was just trying to decide on a dress to wear out tonight.)
So here we are, it's tea time and my house is decorated for tomorrow. Now it's time for me to relax before supper and some friends this evening.
Hope you all had a lovely day today and are ready for a wonderful Valentine's Day tomorrow. (Hope you all get/give roses, chocolate, hearts, hugs and kisses, to the one you love and/or for yourself. You deserve it!)Great big Valentine hugs!X