Random Friday thoughts
I'm starting to love Nancy's Friday random thoughts. It's hard to chose just five, but we must be disciplined!I also love Oxfordshire in late summer. It's so golden and beautiful. I want to paint every thing I see and capture it on canvas to remember for the rest of the year.This is the most ridiculous thing I've seen so far: Little test tubes full of herbs and spices. Very pretty and I'm sure loads of people will get sucked into buying them or giving them as little gifties...
...but even if they come with this pretty little display case, can you really see yourself with your messy cooking hands trying to uncork one of these little vials to add a pinch of this and a pinch of that to your meal? Yeah. me neither. And then you go and make something like a chili and then there goes at least three test tubes full. At £2 each, that's $ 9.85 Canadian worth of chili...whoa! (Robert just said "hatchet job" as in I'm slating someone's product again, and I'm like, "what?!???")
How much do you love this guy? I'm so over the moon in love with this Highland cow it's ridiculous. Those are real horns and bits of material everything else. It's life size and costs £600, that's...well...completely unaffordable, so the only thing is to make one. How hard can that be? :)
Robert did the sweetest thing for me the other day. Remember I said last week that I was going to buy a mini shell and restore it to a beautiful mini for me? Well here is a picture of the swamp monster mini shell and after Robert spent several hours steam cleaning the exterior to see where the rust and damage was. Then he put some mini hubcaps on it and took some photos for me to see what it will look like. (The inside is still a bit swamp monstery, but well get to that soon.) I'm thrilled, it's going to be a beautiful little car for me.
Yesterday I took some photos of the almost full moon rising up from behind some clouds. I steadied the camera on the roof of the car while I released the shutter and it went khaaaa.......lick.