Random thoughts while visiting with the dead
Robert's working away form home today and I'm feeling a bit morose, a bit jet-lagged and a bit lonely. Went for a walk down to the village, to the church to visit with my Knight Templar and his Lady.It's such a hot day today, hot and muggy. The door to the church is huge and heavy and oak and needs both hands to wield the latch, but once inside it's so cool and so silent. The only sound is a gentle dull thud of the movement of the huge clock hands. These deep, Cotswold stone walls block out the outside world so beautifully. Isn't it fantastic to be in silence once in a while? Do you have anyplace you can go where there is silence?Here is my Knight. His name is Thomas Moore. I don't know much about him except that he died in 1347. But isn't that so fantastic to know? Isn't it so fantastic to be remembered for 666 years.
Here is his lady. I've no idea what her name is so I call her Isabelle. To me it suits her. She's here dressed in her whimple and tunic. Must have been so suffocatingly hot to run around in a whimple and tunic on a day like today.
Her feet are on her King Charles spaniel. (Actually I have no idea if that's a K C spaniel except that ladies of that era always had a K C spaniel around them. Didn't they?) I wonder if she ever ran with her dog to the middle of a field or close to the Thames and took off her whimple and tunic and felt the wind's caress?
There used to be frescoes painted in the alcoves above them. If you look very closely you can just make out Christ and a few angels. The originals are in the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford. I keep meaning to go have a look.Linking with Nancy from a Rural Journal for random Friday thoughts. :)