I brought down the Christmas map to hang above the fireplace, but it didn't feel right just now. What did feel right is the vintage mirror, so I hauled it in from its garage storage and bribed C into helping me heft that solid wood and glass weight into place and lit some candles and admired the reflections.
Then I did something silly. I said to myself, "hmm, wonder how that mirror changes the feng shui of the room?"Now I'm no expert, and, for a while, I had a feng shui master who bothered with those things for me, but she's since moved a little too far away to come do readings. So I took a few minutes and did a quick Google search and learned that a mirror is actually ideal in the living room reflecting the beautiful room. Hmm, mine is propped against the wall so actually reflecting the beautiful high ceiling. But, hey, as far as ceilings go, it's a good one!
Then I thought, "what about the one in the dinning room?" Again I struck gold! Great place for the mirror, but I should apparently probably rethink the light in front of it. Might be reflecting too much fire in that room. Ok, not ideal, but as far as lamps go...come on...that mirror's reflecting pure beauty!
I had a little walk around my house and realised that actually there are tons and tons of mirrored and other reflective surfaces everywhere. Yikes!
And then, my early 1900 Craftsman has huge windows which turn every room into a mirrored reflection of itself by 6pm these days. Feng shui that baby!
And then, disaster struck! I have a mirror reflecting the front door!!!Apparently it doesn't matter if anything beautiful is anywhere in the house, because no good chi will ever get past that entry hall mirror and its own reflection. Apparently beautiful, good chi is not that great to look at.Of course there are fixes. I can stick a beautiful healthy plant against that mirror and never open the door of the closet. I could stick stickers on the mirror and block out the reflective surface and make this beautiful space look tacky and cheap. I could keep the door wide open and then the mirror wouldn't face the front door, or I could replace the 1900 door with another door and compromise the integrity of my Craftsman.Not one fix I like among the lot.So I had another think. There's my father's guardian chair (an ancient black wood carved chair) guarding the front door (Feng Shui master told me that's where the guardian chair belongs.) So there's that. There's also my painting of sunflowers. Big, bright, golden beauties shining in that little room on those lacquered red walls which I custom blended to be a true lacquer red. Red = good feng shui, right? And then I thought of all those people all over the world who've never heard of feng shui and go on in their ignorant bliss and happy lives installing mirrors reflecting front doors and I decided that I might do a little Feng V instead and declare this home a happy, lucky and healthy one full of good chi, which enters thru the front door, bounces off the guardian chair, pings off the beautiful sunflower painting and flies straight into the living room. So there. Feng V logic.
Coincidentally, I had my lovely friend Rosemarie for afternoon tea today and we caught up and chatted for two hours and I think there was so much happy energy going on that any self respecting chi would just die to get in on it. :DMirror or no mirror.What do you think?Sharing with the Wordpress photo challenge: Ornate