The return of the random!
Life here at West Cottage is pretty low key and less stressy than in Vancouver that's for sure. The birds have found the bird feeders to our delight and, in the mornings, there can be five or six blue tits and the garden robin on them or on the tree they hang from.They have started to sing a little in the mornings which is just lovely. And we love every morning that starts with sunshine, no matter if it clouds up later, because sunny mornings somehow always make the day better.Do you like interesting names for things/places/people? I love them. How's this for the best restaurant name in the world? It just seems so very friendly.Also saw a restaurant called "EVO LUZ IONE" Evolution? I thought so. Cool...huh?
Robert is the prince of photobombing! I'm telling you, just try to take a serious arty photo with him around... :D
I love images and usually collect postcards for no reason at all except that I want to possess the images. I picked out ten at the V&A and as I was standing at the post card wall there was a man behind me talking to his wife. He said, "Why do you want all them post cards then?" And she said, "I don't know, I just like having them around" He muttered something about a waste of money/time, and I turned to his long suffering wife and said, "I love having them around too." :) She was happy to have the support and smiled a big, broad smile at me.
A peacock butterfly has decided to hibernate on the upstairs hallway lamp and the UK Butterfly Preservation Society tells us we have to be cruel to be kind and hoik it out of the house. :( I'm worried about that. Apparently we're supposed to put it into a log pile or somewhere but I'm so worried that a mouse or rat or hedgehog will come and eat it. What to do, what to do?
Linking with Nancy and looking forward to catching up on all the randomness with everyone.