Sensitivity, Tuesday tea, new giveaway and a choice

When is an egg shell not an egg shell?019 copyWhen it's a tea cup. A fragile, transparent, possibly sad little tea cup. These two cups have the mark "made in occupied Japan" on the bottom dating them between 1947 and 1955.021 copyI say sad because all aspects of war are sad to me but especially an occupied country. Even if this country is occupied by "benevolent" allied forces. This feeling is very ingrained in my subconscious awareness and comes form my childhood of first believing communist forces were heroes to be venerated, and later, experiencing great fear and uncertainty at escaping those same forces which, overnight, to a child, turned threatening.And now, when I have the best chance to make a difference as an adult, I think my biggest contribution to the world are my three amazing children who are sensitive to the world around them.022 copyBeautiful, sad, little, precious jewels, like people, like dominoes. One false move and we can fall down, we can crack. But we must be strong and not fragile. We may not be so easily broken if we stand firm. The Tshirt C is wearing today says "make art not war". A good idea. The world could always use more art...and more tea.cupsAnd so we will not hide away from the world...004 copyWe will not be a transparent, fragile thing or fall down like dominoes...fall downWe will do what we can and send our good out into the world.This little owl (on the left) is being sent off to my friend in Louisiana, but this little baby robin is not spoken for yet. Perhaps the random generator will find someone from the comments on this post for the little robin to make his fledgling flight to next Tuesday. (Please leave a comment if you'd like to win him and he'll be on his way to you next week with a moleskin journal and some other little lovely surprises)039 copyAnd, if we all do our best and send our best out into the world, without strings attached, with love, we can all openly bask in the sunshine, even if we may still view the world with a skeptical eye. :)013 copyThe winner of last week's giveaway is Number 16 Carol Early Cooney. Congratulations Carol, some sweet little violets will be on their way to you tomorrow. :)random generatorLinking with Terri and Martha and Sandi and Bernideen.Also, I can't stand not commenting, so I'll just factor out my comments from the random generator for next week. :)


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