Serious lack of pretty tea cups here
Well, I do miss Earl Grey tea. Not a single tea bag in sight, let alone a pretty cup.However, we found this lovely peppermint tea. Lagg's...ever heard of it? I haven't. It's seriously yummy and minty.I'm sorry but this sturdy, white restaurant cup is about the best I can manage this tea cup Tuesday. But the fruit is super sweet and yummy!
This little female Brewer's blackbird doesn't care about my tea, as long as there's some crumbs for her.
But I guess...when in Mexico...these girls were waiting on their drink. They negotiated a price of $5 and two straws for...
...this coconut! Must have been so fresh. I watched the fellow use his machete to chop the top off. I looked at the girls and they gave me a smile and said, "His fingers! We can't watch!". But his fingers were fine.
But the three parrots, who love peanuts and shouting just outside the hotel, say...
"Stop your whining about tea and go smell some plumeria...
...and then have a pina're in Mexico, you don't drink tea in Mexico!" Lol, OK then. :D
Sharing with Terri and Martha and Sandi and Bernideen.