Something old, something new, something borrowed and blue skies
Does anyone feel like spring cleaning? Oh boy, oh boy, do I ever. I feel like sorting everything out and giving so much away.So today I started with some stored boxes of material. I don't know why I keep all this material. I suppose I always plan on that know, the one we all plan to make one day.In the boxes I found a pile of beautiful vintage napkins and brand new French linen tea towels.Lovely surprise. It's amazing the stuff I stash away. :DSo first a pile of material I no longer love.
I think I'll put it on Craigslist.
Clover found a large amount of glazed chintz and fell in love with it and is trying to persuade me to change all the fabrics in the living room.
Morgan found the keeping it box.
Then Morgan found the give away pile. She's so helpful. :D
Then a pile of bright, cheery cottons. I've decided to use them to make long ropes of bunting and hang them across the garden for Art in the Garden. Wouldn't that look so lovely and festive? And, after all, I made all that heart bunting, so how hard can triangles be?
I know they're all so different, but, to me, somehow they all work together.
While C was dreaming of a life with glazed chintz, I remembered that I bought Robert a wonderful leather jacket at a car boot sale...
...and remembered that I forgot to tell Robbie about it, so I requisitioned C to model it for a few photos.
Lol, he loved it...and the photos made him laugh.And for something borrowed, I borrowed Walt's silversmithing supplies at his lapidary club to learn how to do the lost wax method of casting silver. Nothing to write home about yet, and I have to wait till next week to see how it all turns out, but I'm so excited for this. I'm making two silver sea shells, a branch with lichen on it and a ring form.Not sure what I'll end up making with the finished silver pieces, (except for the ring...which will ring), but I'm so excited! I'm thinking a pendant out of the branch, but not sure what else.Hope it all works out!PS. Sent some of the photos to R who sent back "Ooooh , we could make steam punk switches for medusa.... like little medusa heads !!!!" (Medusa being his new amazing bespoke car he's building with twin Jag engines and a five foot long bonnet) Lol, he's always thinking. :D