Spring is in the air
There's such an immediate rush to right now. Like things can't wait another second longer. It could be because spring has sprung and everything is flying, springing, greening, swimming, hopping and generally rushing head long into the season, or it could just be me.On this wonderfully perfect first day of spring we opened all the doors and windows and let the house freshen a little.The mailman brought a sweet and most welcome letter from my pen pall Laurel. I love good mail!
My cats are going a bit crazy. Morgan is hissing at Milo or at us if she doesn't like something, and generally being a miserable cat form hell and Milo seems to have two settings these days: dead to the world under a blanket or running up the walls, tearing thru the house and jumping out of windows just for fun. He does this thing where he jumps out the window, runs around to the back door, runs thru the house to the open window and jumps out again. And he'll do that over and over and over. What's all that about?
I got the most beautiful bouquet of flowers as a gift from some friends who came for supper. It's so giant and so fragrant, and has roses and orchids and hyacinths and proteas and all sorts of beautiful things. I'm feeling so lucky.
Actually, I love the flowers so much I've been moving them from room to room with me.
I'm leaving in three days and so will enjoy them every second of every day before I go.
Sharing with Nancy and looking forward to everyone's random days. :D