Do you guys know what a steam rally is?You probably do, but up until a few years ago, I didn't.It's a gathering of all sorts of historic steam-powered machines from the Industrial Revolution to modern times.There are machines that whir, and bump, and jiggle,
and sizzle, and hiss, and steam,
and splash, and spit, and pour... interesting ways. :D
There are small machines...
and ginormous ones, who take turns demonstrating their power in a central show ring.
It's also a car show with all sorts of beautiful, vintage machines on offer.
I found beautiful examples of my most loved Landies...
...and minis.
And the exciting thing for a vintage lover like me, there's a jumble sale with wagons and wagons of junk and vintage car parts!!!!!
Where I can make new friends. This is Penny, she was the cutest little pup.
And find so much great stuff!
Would you like to see what I came home with?
Look at this! Ink bottles, an autograph book from 1954, a carpenter's pencil, (because some days you just want to draw with a carpenter's pencil), a crystal screw-in door knob, a small hammer and wooden mallet, and a piece of wood from a broken planer. Also, (not shown), a vintage Austin mini badge like the one I had on my stolen 1959 mini! It's going on my new mini Robert and I are building. The badge cost me £1 and would probably fetch £50 on Ebay. Now that's a deal.I'm so addicted to the ink bottles but will probably have to stop collecting them soon because my collection is bordering on ridiculous. :D