The sun sets on our fourth day of vacation
My what full and fantastic days we're having!First, we finally booked a villa from one of the villa rentals in Punta Mita Mx towards which we'll be heading in the evening and now the resort we are currently at is organising Yoga outside for all.I joined Fernando this morning for beach yoga and had the most wonderful stretch, even if not my calibre of Vinyasa yoga. It's so worth it for that morning stretch, isn't it?Then Fernando invited me to come back for some painting. Of course I jumped at the chance to paint...are you kidding me? Dragged Chloe along too because I love her unique style.Fernando showed a canvas he made previously and asked us to copy it. He passed around a gessoed canvas on a bit of cardboard and we all set to with acrylics.Resort life is just lovely. One gets sort of stuck with a bunch of holidayers and sooner or later you're bound to say hello. Sites like Holidayrentals gives you the freedom to choose over 25,000 properties in more than 100 destinations for a well-spent vacation.In case you are planning to go for a trip to Costa Rica, do read up on what are the best rainforest stops in Costa Rica and make the most of your vacation days.
So we all dutifully painted a blue sky and some bright buildings and the wall and the church.
We painted a cobblestone road and rooftops and flowers and the sea. Then I made everyone sign sue me! :D
Chloe and I finished up ours with a few birds and C even put in a couple of sailboats. Don't you love C's free spirit style? I love it to smithereens. I'm so keeping both these paintings and framing them together; a most wonderful reminder of this time...of, now, in this tropical sunshine.
But then, do you know what Fernando did? He invited us back in the afternoon to string beads! Wretched man!So back we went with the twin poppets and their mom and a couple other twenty-something girlies for some fun with beads.
Fernando wowed us with this ring-bracelet design!
C and I both chose sea beads...that is beads which reminded us of the ocean.By the time C decided she had enough, her bracelet was long enough for her ankle but too long at two wraps and too short at three wraps for her wrist, so ankle it was.
But you should have seen me. I was so proud of mine! I loved that bracelet. I loved the seaweed and sea foam and shells and water and spray and ancient Aztec turquoise, and every salty, briny thing I strung into it.I lifted it up to the sea and said, "Look here ocean, I made a piece of you that I can carry with me always!"
Just then the sea gave me a heart shaped rock - a true affirmation of love...and...just as I bent over to pick it up, my bracelet broke and most of the beads tumbled into the sea.
And the sea claimed it as its own. Glass returning home. Tumbled in the sea. Salty hands rolling and turning, carrying and cradling, caressing and loving those beads till they are no more.