A Sunday painting en plein air with Opus
Hey, I was just so excited for today to come because today is the Opus outdoor painting challenge day.I already scouted the Opus painting corridor and decided that I loved the quiet of this little creek in the green space. The theme was to paint the spirit of the day where ever we felt like being today.This is Mackay Creek. According to our local Streamkeepers, it's an endangered little space because of local urbanization. Coho, chum, cutthoat, and steelhead salmon have access to it and its spawning grounds. Wildlife habitat uses it as a safe travel corridor. I decided that the spirit of this little stream and the spirit of my day, lays in the fish and waters of this little stream.So I packed up my oils, registered at Opus, picked up my little 8" x 10" canvas and found my spot.
I looked up and down this stream but loved the little natural weir and the bubbling, splashing sound of the tiny waterfall.
I did a quick sketch using a sharpie of the vision I had in my head, and then did a quick under painting in fast drying acrylics.
And then, started in with my oils.
In my little green space, I met a lovely fellow artist.
And then these beautiful chows came walking by to say hello.
And two duck families swam by.
While I happily painted the afternoon away. :D
By 2:30 I was done. You know that Picasso quote, "It's easy enough to start but hard to know when to finish," so very true.Actually, the only reason I stopped is that 3pm was hand-in time.But here it is: The Spirit of Mackay Creek.
Then, we artists all, gathered round to see our creations.
What fun! What glorious imagination.I loved this day.Thank you so much Opus. :D