Sunday whirl...a little late...but there's this jet-lag thing

Getting back to writing/catching up after an epic week of building the 24 hour zine, organising the Vancouver house and C plus a 10 hour flight x the pond.Housewives ignorant spurn subtracting months sting eternity rind balls fall drawers yearThe housewives sit sipping coffeeThey’re subtracting minutes from their eternityThey spurn the sugar for sweet ‘n low and add skim milkThey talk of not eating, not sleeping, breast feedingThey talk of the left-over crust and rind from sandwiches and snacks, of happy face pancakesThey talk of drawers of pre-baby clothes; memories from the year of size four jeansThey slip thru months of maternity clothes, of night feedings, of no rest, no sex, no freedomThey set goals of next spring, summer, next fallThey complain they are all juggling too many ballsThey feel the critical sting from their ignorant size four friendsThey sit sipping sympathy and friendshipI found the Sunday wordle to be a strange mix and read it thru and thru several times trying to twist something together. I really try not to read my friend’s wordles until I’m somewhat happy with mine, but this week I see a lot of people has similar comments.But my friends did triumph over the word list. Please check out Walt’s, Jo Ann’s,  De’s, Jules’s and  Misky’s (Whose time zone I’m in at the mo). They've all done brilliantly. Also, can't wait to read Hannah's and Margo's.


weeds, women, wildflowers


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