Sunday whirl...little late...but there are daemons!

Could hardly wait to get some time to work with these brilliant words. My inspiration was reading Silence, a Fable by Poe; my most favorite piece of Poe writing, and this little piece of art.jasmine, demons, window, scrap, ample, montage flawed, granite, trapped, whistle, domain, sunsetThe daemons crawl out the window and ooze down the granitite walls where the sickly jasmine growsthey whisper at the tendrils and drain into the darkThey’ve been trapped by the daylight and by their thoughts for hours waiting for the sunsetbut the night has ample timeThey look over the city and see a montage of colour and vapoursof warm blood and cold rockIn our world of scrap attention they are safe to cause mischiefWe hear them murmurfeel them chill our spinewe think we are safe in our houses with our crosses and biblesin the warm glow of electric lights and candleswe think our house is our sanctuary, our domainbut our thinking if flawedthey comethey come and whistle into our hearts and mindsMany thanks to Brenda for the wordle despite internet issues and to Margo Roby for her fantastic Friday round up of challenges.Check out what my friends did with the words. Here are Misky, Jo Ann, Jules, Richard, and SaraArt: Mixed media, (Paper, text, music sheet, acrylics, copper, gold leaf (on leaf), feathers, ink, charcoal, watercolours, stamp) on a piece of cardboard. 

Previous birthday and RBG Kew...and Tuesday Tryouts


If it's late June, it must be Jazz Fest.