Sunday whirl...warning...this is a dark one
The words from this Sunday Whirl led me to a very dark ocean.humility relish trigger swells flicks chain crack brittle spray gravity plant claim refrain
carrying an iron chain in my handswandering in silence on a rainy beachamong the sand, the shells, the pebblesI step closer to the green swellsimbued with humilitysilent and sad
I look around to see othersalone on the beachwandering with chainsthe chains that they claim
they will wander the beachand carry their chainslike mejust like meuntil a trigger sends them closer to the swellssilent and sad
and they will drift away from medrift in a dreamdrift away and sinksink in silenceand they will fadeand their gaze will fade from my memory
I expect I will wander this beachI will feel the crack and weight of this chainI will relish the green swellsI will not refrainand I will drift away and sink in silence....
oceans away a small wave flicks a brittle chaingravity brings it down to earthto plant it in the sand with the shells and pebbles
Showed the words to R and he dictated this:
I relish the trigger of creative spray which swells my mind and flicks the brittle crackling chains constraining my thought allowing me in my humility to refrain from mediocrity, I am not a plant, I claim my right to think.Spontaneously and in 20 seconds! Great work!