The bride in the city...City Explo[it/r]ation, a Wordpress Weekly Photo Challenge
Terence S. Jones issued "Urban" as the Wordpress challenge. Raw, unphotoshopped images of city/town life. I love his idea of City Explo[it/r]ation. Here is a snap, a click, a shutter release; an unfiltered moment when a little girl showed her balloon flower to a bride who was in the middle of her wedding photo shoot. The groom, photographer, and rest of the party smiled on. After all, it's not every day that a little girl meets a princess in the street.
Response to Tuesday Tryouts: Summer Style friend Margo Roby says write a summer poem. Margo says write a list of all things summer and then don't mention any of the things on the list. And don't sound cliché.OK here goes:One cliché summer sunset over the Laurentiens far so good...I’m not sounding cliché, I’m looking cliché summer-everything-on-my-list-not-mentioned poem, actually, a very surrealistic poem.Summer walkif we walk by the side of the riverwhose curling waves undermine the bankif we walk among the treeswhose curling leaves mark our faces greenif we hasten through the darknessthat is full of hands with curling fingersif we evade the whispering wavesthe writhing leavesthe clutching fingersand if the house still standsand the door is openand we enter unscatheda fire will be waitingand we shall rise like smokeblacken the raftersand dance on the roof like birdsfly awayand pierce the sky with our beaks
How to blow off a tour!
Got signed in as the +1 on mom’s anesthetic convention for a walking tour of Quebec City. Meeting at the Convention Centre 15 minutes prior to departure. Met several bored Dr’s wives waiting for the tour guide, all of them wanted to go shopping! The tour guide showed up...and we set off. One block walking to the parliament buildings and the dear old fossil stood for 20 minutes explaining the government business from under his Tilly hat. What have I got myself into?I tried to be patient, really I did! What’s a girl to do?I know, let’s have a look at the fountain...hmm interesting.
Look...a honey bee on the salvia, needed to follow her a little...documenting bees...very important these days.
Oh, the gateway to the old city, surely the old fossil and the shopping wives would make their way here...I’m just a bit ahead...
Ok, I’m bad, totally blew off the tour...
but look at the pretty hanging basket.
Ah, there, I needed to catch up with my postcards at the Château.
Peace at last...just me and the river.
Turned out to be a lovely Saturday morning after all. Hope the tour is having a nice time.
When I say PARTYAYYY!!! You say YEYAH!!!
Found a street party yesterday; two blocks, loads of beer, 3 live bands, 2 deejays and a naked girl being spray painted green...all at the same time...way into the night. Next morning, went to the local sbux, relics of the night before were still there.Here:You just had to see it. Grand Allee, Quebec City
”Bonjour Madame “
``Bonjour````Hilton Hotel Rue Rene Levesque sil-vous-plait````Qui Madame``Putting the bags into the back of the taxi and there it is on the licence plate... “Je mais souviens”Yes I do...
Being back in the province of Québec is something for me. Haven’t been in Quebec for the past 10 years or so. Used to spend every July in Montreal. I know, here you were thinking I’m a bit of a Euro-city mouse. Well true, but Montreal— NDG— used to be where family was for 15 years.
Oh god, I remember the drivers. Best not to look forward. That Taxi is so tailgating. What do you mean you can’t turn right on a red light? Oh, slight pause at the stop sign...I remember.