Taking some time for art each day
I'm prioritising taking an hour, (or two if I can spare it), for a little fun art each day.Not work related art, just fun art, just for me.I'm working my way thru the journaling your story course, and it's helping me think that "just for me" art time, just to practice, try something new, follow a prompt, engage with fellow artists, is as important for my happiness and health as painting sell-able works.Remember the journal I showed you yesterday? Well, yesterday I painted a sort of idealised world on the first two pages. An amalgamation of Vancouver forests and Oxfordshire country.Here is the sketchy beginning...
...and this is the completed painting.This first image in my personal story journal came from a prompt from the first video Jeanne included in this course. A prompt to become deeply personal and think about what is mine, what I might be pulling from my past and taking with me into my future, and then begin to pull my story together.
Forest melting into fields.This was a deeply emotional couple of pages for me to paint; especially because I miss Robbie so much and wish it were just that easy to step from these forests into those fields.But I'm very happy and relieved that I finally painted this. It's been an idea in my head for a few years now, that painting of forest melting into fields, and I'm glad that it's out of my head and down there in my journal for me to build from.
Today I turned the page and started fresh with a new prompt. A quick prompt for practice, an audio only prompt to incorporate wet and dry techniques. I had no idea what it would be, (since most of my fellow artists in this course seem to be painting girl's faces, I sort of figured I'd end up painting a girl too), but a magpie decided to join me instead.
And now for something completely different!Chloe and I had the most wonderful time with my son, his girl Chantal and her family. We felt so loved and accepted meeting Chantal's family for the first time. It was the most wonderful evening.And Good news on the fat cat front. Both Morgan and Milo are responding brilliantly after their first week of dieting and have already lost a bit of weight, and all of us...me included with daily yoga and careful eating ...will soon be down to our pre-Christmas trim and sexy selves.(Morgan is hating everyone a little less these days. :D )