Tammie's Drawing Challenge: Threshold
I love Tammie's drawing challenge: threshold. It feels very appropriate for me this weekend, because this is my last weekend in Vancouver this year.And maybe that's not quite an accurate statement, because I'm off to Seattle first thing tomorrow morning till Sunday night actually...which is why I'm jumping the gun a little and posting my response this evening.I was looking at one of my Oxfordshire sketchbooks and realising that, when I get back, home will not be as I left it last September. Home will not look like this late summer collage in my sketch book.Home will not be this beautiful soft pink air and harvest gold warmth of late summer. Home will be a cold, low sunlight and purple blue shadow of winter. Oxfordshire has crossed the seasonal threshold.
But home will be even more beautiful for being in winter, with frosty mornings and evening fires with my love, warm cuddles with a soft kitten, friends and neighbours to catch up with, skating on ponds and carolling in the village... and I can't wait.As I keep turning the pages I come across another threshold of sorts. A bit more of a dramatic threshold between life and death. It's a poem I wrote a few years ago and quite forgot about, but it still takes my breath away. It's a response poem to Robert Fitterman's poem "This Window Makes Me Feel..." Would you mind very much if I shared it?