Tea cup Tuesday with a friend
Here is a treat for C and me, we had my friend Diane drop in for tea with us and, because she's a reader of my blog, she kindly agreed to having my camera in her face for a while and I photographed our lovely elevensies for tea cup Tuesday.So since I declared it winter yesterday, I wanted to bring out some of the wintery cups and chose these little cups for today. They are made in the former USSR and have that mark plus the county Vladivostok printed on the bottom. Interesting.
Here's Diane holding one of the cups. I'm not even sure where these came from, but am fascinated by the rich history of tea in Russia.
Water for tea was boiled in samovars all the long winter and people would gather around it to make their tea. I think I'd love to have one of the old kettles and turn it into a modern day use for my morning tea.
I guess no mater where home is the temptation to gather in the kitchen on winters is the same. Speaking of temptation, suddenly there was a big white paw reached up and over the edge of the table. And then that was it. Morgan decided she was missing out on the tea and conversation and jumped into C's lap.And made herself at home. :)
Diane asked me about my smuggled San Franciscan jade plant, and I was happy to report it's sending out some lovely roots and doing extremely well.
So we chatted and drank our tea...
And had some yummy sweeties.
But before you know it, two hours had gone by and it was time for Diane to get on with her day. It was lovely catching up after a few months and finding out what's new with my friend. Now we're determined to get together more often. :)
Sharing with Terri and Martha and Sandi and Bernideen and Kathy, and looking forward to catching up with all my tea time friends.