Tea cup Tuesday, working from home.
This tea cup Tuesday I’m working from home somewhat distracted with renovations and workmen coming and going and endless phone calls.But now it’s elevenses. Do you know elevenses? It’s that extremely practical time of day to have some tea, especially when one has been up since 5am.It’s a gray day, rain is forecast and so I’ve reserved my kitchen table as a lovely little snuggly nook for tea.This little English cobalt blue silver overlay tea service is just for me. It’s one of those things that I consider “doing something lovely for myself”.Next to the beautiful, intricate cobalt blueness of this tea service most of my tea cups seemed just so much wishy-washy paleness. Finally I chose this little Shelly cup with twining clematis on it and a funny little duck egg blue handle.
I thought I like the clematis, which will snuggle up to and lovingly wrap its soft green tendrils around anything it can touch. How could they not love each other then? Silver majestic forcefulness and playful jaunty tenderness.
I’m taking some time reading thru old letters as inspiration to do some work in the studio, and later I’ll be catching up on my correspondence.
Oh dear, the old clock shows my elevenses are over and I think that’s the electrician at the door and so I better get back to work.
But not before I link up with Terri of Artful Affirmations and drool over her chocolates, and to Martha, to admire her teal colours, (especially the hobnail...to die for), to Sandi at Rose Chintz Cottage to say, "yes please, I'll have a piece of that lovely cake! And to Bernideen to admire her corner cabinet and thinking, "hmm, now I want to cut out and paint a French maid to stand in my kitchen", and leaving you with this little shot of lovely clematis Armandii froth.