The ideal gardener's shed
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! I’m in love!Got to get me a gardening shed like this one.Actually, this is several small sheds in a horse barn at the pleasure gardens on the Blenheim Palace estate, but we can imagine, can’t we. Wouldn’t it be just dreamy to spend your gardening time here? Using these beautiful things?Just imagine next spring and you...Choose your seeds from the drawers on this floor to ceiling seed cabinet.Walk with your precious packets thru your cold fruit store; still full of yummy autumn fruit.
Pot the seeds up on your potting bench.
Cart them out to the garden on your beautiful wooden wheel barrow.
Come back in and wash up.
Have a cup of tea...and take an afternoon nap. (Under a soft feather quilt – which is just airing out on the wash line of course.)
Can you just imagine?I can't resist...putting more photos on Facebook. Come be my friend and have a look.