The last two Sundays at races with the turbo mini
Oh my gosh time is just flying so fast! I've designed and am installing a rather large garden for my friend and client Catherine, that I haven't had much time to update.But things are starting to slow a little and here's my chance to show you our last two Sundays out with the turbo mini. We had a terrific couple of Sundays hooning cross country, over hill and dale and thru quaint little Cotswold villages in the turbo mini. People couldn't help but turn their heads at the sound of the powerful side pipe exhaust. Mostly we had smiles and nods from people and loads of thumbs-up and waves from little boys, and we always smiled and waved back. We were happy about that because driving the powerful mini on a Sunday morning thru sleepy little villages, well, you could just imagine. :)The races were at a hill climb called Prescott, (home of the Bugatti club), and Prescott Hill is in the middle of the beautiful Cotswolds in our neighbouring county Gloucestershire.Two Sunday's ago: This was a Sunday of new things.The first new was this beautiful bespoke car. This was a Salmson. (Never heard of it and I'm a car nut!) We spent a long time talking to the builder and I photographed it in detail as reference for Robert's crazy wonderful new innovation Medusa, which he's building at the moment.
The next new was this: a Marcos! Such a beautiful car, like a piece of sculpture. I thought I loved Jag E-types the most but I might be changing my mind!
And then, a new friend. This is Trudi and she paints the loveliest acrylics.
She loves to paint around her home in the Gloucestershire hills. Her lovely website is here.
We parked up the mini and revealed the engine and, in no time, the beautiful beastie started attracting attention.
The the race announcer came by and spent twice as long interviewing Robert than any of the other car owners around. This was broadcast over the loudspeakers thru the whole venue and soon the mini had loads of admirers. And no wonder, the beastie has 248 bhp and is the third fastest five port A series road going turbo mini in the world!
While this was going on I found this beautiful TVR. R has a deep ruby red one and one day soon we'll take it racing too.
Then I found more Marcos!
Last Sunday it was back to Prescott Hill for a Retro Rides get together and I was really excited because a lot of our turbo mini club was going to be there and a lot of the minis would be parked up together in a club stand.
We soon met up with our friends and caught up with everyone's adventures.
The minis and honoured guest cars were parked up, bonnets removed, engines exposed for all to admire.
There was a lot of car talk and innovative information was shared.
And we went to watch the hill climbs.
There was a small parade of very special low riders and then the cars started racing up the hill. This car was a bit of an oddity. It was an American racing car called a Chaparral with some terrific improvements. :)
We had a couple of the loveliest Sundays this summer and enjoyed ourselves to the max.