Total randomnocity
Yesterday Morgan came in with a hitchhiker; a slug tangled in the long hair at the tip of her tail. Ugh. Ever try to detangle a slug from the tail of an ornery cat with razor blades for claws?
I mentioned to my friend Margot that I wanted to buy a slow cooker (again, after millions of years without), and she said not to because she was sure she had two and I was welcome to one of them. Thank you so much Margot, I'm loving it to pieces and so far made a most terrific stew, chili and chicken cacciatore.
I was just at my favourite book store, Booklovers, to find some books to take with me to Mexico. You know, the kind you don't feel badly about leaving behind for the next holidayers, and the owner, Dalyce, handed me a Terry Pratchett Discworld book, which I immediately snapped up. I've read it several times already, but only have a copy in England. Obviously I need a copy here in Vancouver as well. I love Terry Pratchett books to pieces and, even though it may have been somewhat expected, I was immeasurably sad to hear of his passing yesterday. I'm sure that he's now walking thru Discworld with his friend DEATH. Godspeed Sir Terry.
Many of my favourite bloggers are full speed decorating their homes for spring and I'm like...meh.
But I am getting some art done and finding tons of inspiration in my studio. :DSharing with Nancy and the random bunch.