Two day on the Thames River at Newbridge plus video
Hello everyone,I've spent two days beside the Thames here in Oxfordshire.We live very close to a special area where the Windrush River joins the Thames at a place called Newbridge.This is Newbridge. It's called new bridge because it was the newest of three bridges built across the Thames in the 13C. Some say it may be the oldest standing bridge in the country.
On Friday, Robbie and I met some new friends, Ray and Jenny, at our favourite pub, The Rose Revived, for lunch.We love the Rose. It has some lovely food and the situation right beside the Thames is just so ideal.
We picked out a table under the willows at the river's edge...
...and watched the little minnows nibbling at the trailing willow leaves.
The resident swan family has raised three cygnets this year and they were parading them around the narrow boats on the opposite bank looking for a handout.
Yesterday I spent another day at the river.
This time I walked down the Thames Path and was hoping to walk all the way down to the Northmoor lock, but decided to turn back when a thunder storm swept in.I did manage to make this silly video though. for a walk with me. :D