Useless, pretty little things and tea cup Tuesday

Yesterday it rained all day. As a matter of fact it's been raining all week. Well actually, typical West Coast spring.I spent some time with mom and as the morning wore on, we both became more and more reluctant to go for that walk we thought we'd go for.So we went shopping instead.I think the rain got to everyone because my hosting company had a nuclear meltdown yesterday, with the end result that I couldn't upload any photos.So my tea cup Tuesday is turning into a tea cup Wednesday post.Stuff is real folks, stuff is real.Mom was after some sandals in case the sun ever comes out again, (wishful thinking), but we had a good mooch around Oakridge mall in her neck of Vancouver.flats+ copyBoy there's a lot of orange out there for the spring.And spikes...what's with all the spikes...yikes.spikes copyLater, at home, I started thinking of all the shoes we saw, tried on and rejected. I thought that some shoes were very pretty but a little useless for me, whether it was the $356 price tag or the spikes, they felt a little like my Victorian shoe pin cushion and my British grandmother's silver cigarette case. Lovely to look at, but I'd never use them.031 copySame with this, my Czech grandmother's little cup.I mean, who in the world wants to drink her tea one thimbleful at a time?027 copyI suppose it’s a little like these vintage stockings. I mean, if you can get decent tummy control hose, who wants to fiddle with garter belts and baggy ankles? Sheesh!025 copyWhat do you think? Here are my Czech grandmother’s crystal, ruby and gold tea cups. Aren’t they just too beautiful? Is it worth drinking thimblefuls at a time just to use them?075 copyNo, I think not.Time to put away all useless, pretty things.041 copyAnd so pardon me while I get my tea in my ubiquitous Sbux mug, because stuff is real folks, and sometimes a girl just needs a decent cup of tea...078 copy...and some beautiful shoes.perfect copyLinking with Terri and checking out the progress with her chalk paints...looking great Terri, with Martha and feeling happy about your Memorial Day family get-together, with Sandi and loving all that peachy creamy beauty, and with Bernideen, and thinking, oh, girl, wish I could have tea in the garden too.  :)  


Finally, a break from the rain


Sunday whirl from a CMNS perspective