Village open garden tour which turned into a visit
My friend Elaine called Sunday morning to say come to the village open garden tour from 2-4 pm.We said we would love to.Well, I was dying to visit and catch up with Elaine and William, and so the village garden tour turned into a visit one garden and stay put tour. (Besides, Elaine made tea and some wonderful cakes). :DElaine and William's garden is a wonderful British mix of jumbled beds of flowers...
...and beautiful cultivated organisation...
...all backing onto a field, walking distance to the Thames.
There's plenty of whimsy in the garden, (like this flute playing frog and tons of bells tied to the branches of a tree), and Elaine had some lovely pots of plants and home grown fruit for sale.
One of the visitors described the garden as a little fantasy garden for children to play and I can see why. There's a lovely open grassy area for turning cartwheels and somersaults, hidey areas behind trees and under arches and little paths thru little woods and shady, ferny places.
And there's a pond with reeds, waterlilies and beautiful little goldfish.
I asked Elaine for a little piece of this spectacular Gyppsophilia for my garden. I'd love to grow it in memory of Theo.
So we wandered around the garden having our tea and cake, chatted with new friends and connected with old.
And had the most wonderful afternoon. :D