Walking with the Sandhill Cranes
A bit of a distance from my mountains is the delta of the Fraser River. Across this rickety little bridge is a small island full of organic farms and the George C Riefel Migratory Bird Sanctuary.On this drippy winter day I drove out there to see something spectacular, special and rare.
Walking thru the sea of mallards, the occasional American wigeon, wood duck, teal and moor hen, along the paths being serenaded by red winged blackbirds, chickadees and towhees I came to the objects of my affection.
The glorious and elusive winter visitors, the sandhill cranes.I knelt on the ground and stayed with them a while.
Then I walked thru the sanctuary and found all 11 birds. I made a small video to share with you all.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NS1dimZNg4QIf you're anywhere around the Lower Mainland, I encourage you to make your way here to walk with these magnificent birds before they fly away.