Weekend camping at Shakespeare County Raceway
It's been a while since I declared Sunday Race Day!Saturday morning we were sort of thinking of getting up and heading down to the weekend open races at Avon Park and then our friend Simon texted to say he's coming round and we can drive up in a mini convoy!How exciting! So the two minis chased and raced up country and when we got to Avon we pitched the tents and Robert and Simon went for a walk about, while I stayed at the camp and looked for some wildflowers to sketch. We brought some camping coolers to keep us cooler during the day.Later on in the evening Robert was telling me stories. He's the best storyteller.
Jason drove the Caterham up on Sunday morning and everyone was ready for a fun day of seeing how far they could push the cars.
By this time I had painted five wildflower portraits and ran out of wildflowers to paint. It's just too dry right now for them to bloom.
So I grabbed my camera, signed my life away in exchange for a media vest, grabbed ear protection and waited for my boys to race.
I photographed all our friend's races and took a video of Jason racing against a brown mini.
I took loads of photos of Simon and his beautiful mini and then, on about his sixth race, something went wrong. He pulled the mini back up to the tents and, on investigation, we found out that he blew the head gasket.Aw, that's the face of a boy who's just blown up his mini.
When the races were over we raced and chased Jason to his house and ordered Chinese take out, and drove home very late, but very happy, under a beautiful orange moon. We then decided to place campfire outside as we recently had purchased a fire magnesium starter kit ( from this website- https://www.tent.net/best-magnesium-fire-starter/) and were eager to use it. All in all, it was a perfect end to an exciting day.
Now I have these five lovely wildflower portraits. Robert says I should consider selling them. That's a bit of a new concept for me because I usually stick these little things in a drawer or send them out into the world. What do you think? Etsy shop maybe?