When hard work is really worth it. (And then your mother gets in the way)
Chloe and I have a large collection of vintage clothes and jewellery. Lately we've been weeding the things we no longer love or want to wear, and Clove has had it in the back of her mind for some time now to start an Etsy store to sell some of our collection.Now that she's like a big girl photographer, (kidding, :D over years she's developed the most amazing eye), and she's invested in her own professional camera, my living room has become her runway.
On a good light day...like Sunday was...she moves all my furniture and paintings to one end of the room, grabs mountains of vintage dresses, and gets to work.
Not a lot of input from me on technique or light, she has my remote shutter release, puts her camera on the timed program, clicks the clicker...
...and strikes a pose! The camera does the that sexy c...ah...lick of most heavy and sexy professional cameras.
Then she checks the images, changes into another dress, and does it again till the light runs out at about 4pm.
Morgan is completely unimpressed by all this.
But it's really bad for me to be there in the room because I just say, "I love that one on you!"
and "Oh my gosh, that's so cute!"
and "Nooo, you're not going to sell that one, are you?"
and even, "Hey, you can wear that to Megan's wedding next July! That would be so cute!"
So far she's photographed about 50 pieces of clothing that I think she shouldn't sell...lol. Maybe we should send these photos to a modelling agency instead of Etsy. What do you think?Anyone know of any good agents. :D