Winter colours for a willow wreath
If you can believe it, I slept till 11am this morning. Hooray for jet lag!And by the time I woke up, I only had about an hour with Robbie till he had to leave for the rest of the day.So alone for the day, I walked out into the meadow. You might not think it, but the colours are amazing right now. Some winter flowers are blooming and the willow branches have taken on that bare winter, skeletal beauty which glows among all the brown and grey.
Oh my gosh, the vivid yellows and reds. I love it.
I walked out into the meadow, past the skeletons of the teasel,
past the fireweed,
right up to the willow.I asked the willow and felt peace, so I took three super long branches. One for me, one for Robbie and one for the shmarko,
and I brought the branches home. On the way I gathered thinner and more pliable willow branches from some of the smaller trees.
At home, I took the branches up to my studio and closed Theo out, (mainly because he wants to kill anything moving and I'm not sure willow isn't toxic), and I twisted and bent and wove those branches into a wreath.
I put the wreath on my dressing table because there is some strong light there, so I could photograph it and show you these beautiful branch colours.
And here it is in my studio...with my typical art table mess :D (all better to be inspired by!)I love this willow wreath. Maybe I'll make another for the front door.
And, because there's no way you're getting away without a kitten photo, here's the shmarko Theo. He's a bit calmer today. Hopefully the novelty of having me as his new play-buddy is wearing off.