Hello from Sunday night, video edition
Hello from Sunday night guys. I made you a little "watch me paint" video. It's 10 minutes long and so I hope it's not too boring.Last night we had a lovely open fire to warm the house.It's a bit of a challenge to rein in this kitten of ours. Here he's sitting on the coal barrel on top of a couple logs to stop him getting into the coal......and you can see his little cat brain working over-time trying to plot a way to get onto the other side of the fire grate where he knows he's not allowed.
But open fires are very welcome here these days.
It's not that cold, but it's so manky and humid that everything feels damp.
I was at my art desk, painting a little magpie on a piece of Mendelssohn, and the shmarko had a real dilemma because he couldn't decide whether he wanted to kill the paintbrush in my hand or sneak over to my feather collection while I'm too busy to notice.
I found this music book at a charity shop a year or so ago, and have loved the old pages, which have conveniently lost much of the binding and so are very easy to take apart.
It seems like this was a well loved book. I suppose it used to belong to Doris Parsons, who wrote her name on the front page in this beautiful calligraphy, and then she slit four little lines in the next page to hold this photo of the composer. I've never come across such a personalised book before.
I'm so glad that I do what I do, especially when I find a much loved book like this one, and am able to give
some most of its pages a second life.I've been watching a few YouTube videos lately and following a couple of vloggers, and I was wondering if maybe I could make a video here or there. I know I have a YouTube channel but have never tried to make art videos. Well then what do we say?That's right, how hard can it be?https://youtu.be/RqKJzyV9-tU*note to self: turn the radio off when narrating the next video! :D