A British car show influence on our tea cup Tuesday
I’m so happy it’s Tuesday again because I missed you all last week. :) On the heels of our British car show, I took out my little vintage car tea and luncheon plates for afternoon tea.These sweet little luncheon plates are Georgian china, USA origin and are perfect for our afternoon snack of oat cakes and brie.
I also used our chrome tea pot. It’s the most perfect tea pot in the world! You know how you get tea pots which don’t hold the heat in, or which drip as you pour the tea? This one is so perfect it’s crazy.
C couldn’t come to the car show, (rock climbing), so we told her of the day and showed her the photos...
...while we drank cup after cup of Earl Gray stirred with our commemorative spoons of WWI leaders.
Tea may have slightly collapsed into a fun-fest of who can out British who.
But we had so much fun catching up and sharing fun stories of our day.
Oh, almost forgot. At the jumble sale I picked up two authentic 1959 mini hubcaps. Lucky, lucky find. And the man selling them let me have them for free!!! Holy smokes, I would have expected to pay anything upwards of $100 for them. (Must be my charming way with people...er)
One last shot of our afternoon tea. Here’s my scrubby cat Morgan trying to get in on tea...well, actually she could care less about the tea, it’s all about the brie for her.
Sharing today with Teri from Artful Affirmation and voting for a lovely chintz on that chair, with Martha and wishing her mother a happy birthday! Love seeing your photo pretty girl. :), with Sandy and coveting that beautiful parasol, and with Bernideen and thinking, "gosh, I want to come where you are and have some sun for a garden tea party too." Love to you all.