Hello from the British car show
Aint it the truth?!?I was just telling Robert that I'm a pretty lucky girl. I have the potential of driving seven cars, three of my own, three of Robert's highly experimental beasties, (two of which I can't quite control), and my mother's waaay too much car for her Mercedes. (If you've ever seen my mother drive you'd take over too. )But you know what I really love?I love the sculptural aspect of practically any work of art, and, to me, cars can be a sculptural bit of art...and ours certainly are, which eventually led me to opening an auto dent repair in Kansas City.So we thought we'd wend our way to the British car show this weekend and have a look.
Everyone who knows me knows that I'm crazy for minis. Love them to pieces. And this is where our tour always starts, at the mini stand.
But along the way there is so much glorious sculptural beauty to see.
From the engine bays to the interiors.
I love the badges. Some have been restored, some are new. I remember painting the badge of my own mini from the inside out to restore the colours. That was a job and a half that was!
The hood ornaments are also so beautiful. Don't you love the heron one? I think it's my favorite. Although the winged angel is amazing too.
Some are custom made. I love the queen. She's got a little photo cell in her handbag and it powers her wave. She stood on a Land Rover waving at all her subjects. (Got to get me one!)
One more shot before we have to go. Some of the most beautiful bums in the world: E Type Jags. In my next life....